1. Studies show that only 7% of couples who attend traditional one hour a week counseling make any progress. When couples are in crisis they need a private intensive Intervention. We don’t do any groups. We only see couples in the “Intensive Format” which are multiple hours in a row, and multiple days in a row. (3, 4, or 5 days in a row.)

2. “Talk Therapy” ranks the lowest success rate of all the various counseling methods. Talk therapists spend most of the 50-60 minute hour re-hashing and dwelling in the past. This never moves a couple from A to B. We are highly experienced “Solution Oriented Therapists” (SOT). To date, SOT ranks the highest positive outcome of all the different therapy methods. If you don’t choose us – please at least chose a therapist who is trained in SOT. In SOT, we don’t ignore the past, but we look at how the past may be affecting your marriage today. We spend our time and energy constructing Solutions to ensure those past hurts and conflicts don’t keep repeating themselves.

3. We offer 6 months of phone support at no additional charge. We want to be there for you after you leave.

4. Accountability. The chance of people following through on commitments they make without accountability in place, is low. Usually the list of commitments sits on a shelf gathering dust. The picture changes dramatically when each spouse has an Accountability Partner for the commitments they have constructed on their “Action Plan”. One short phone call a week for 6 months can make all the difference.

5. Non-judgmental & Acceptance. No condemnation of where you are, or what you may have done in the past. True healing can only happen in an environment of love and acceptance. Yes, each of you will receive input from your Counselor on a more helpful behavior than what you’re currently doing – but unless that Counselor delivers the message in a loving way – it only damages the client more.

God Bless you in your search for just the right counselor for the two of you!