We are dedicated to exceeding your expectations and helping you rebuild your marriage!
What Some of Our Clients Say About Us…

R & H C, married 14 years, Business Owners, Colorado
“We can’t say thank you enough for this amazing experience! We really didn’t know what we didn’t know and found the things we learned invaluable. Everything was very detailed and our counselor made sure we understood. It was very professional and helpful. Once we began applying the tools we saw a difference for the good. Again thank you!”

R.H. married 26 years, Self-Employed, Virginia
“Our intensive was intense but much better than we ever expected. We covered a lot of ground & were given tools to help us continue addressing challenges ahead. Diana is exceptional. She kept us on track and genuinely cares.”

S.G. married 10 years, Counselor, Alabama
“We sincerely appreciate the time you spent with us. You have a gift my friend and we were honored to receive it. Diana’s ability to notice what was important was refreshing. I felt safe for the first time to share my feelings. Your counseling should be mandatory! We thought the love was gone forever but you showed us how to love and trust again!”

D.W. married 15 years, Business Owner, California
“After what my spouse had put me through I wanted out of my marriage. I came into this with anger, sadness and hopelessness about our marriage. Diana worked gently yet firmly with both of us. We felt heard and finally were able to verbalize our deepest fears and concerns in a way that got resolution. We have the steps and tools we need. This program works, if you work it. I would say to any couple thinking about divorce to try a Reclaim Marriage Intensive Retreat. It can change your whole relationship like it did ours.”

H.J. married 7 years, Nurse, Kentucky
“Our retreat was more than I anticipated. This helped give me the courage and clarity I needed to proceed with this relationship – excited instead of anxious about our future now. Our counselor created a safe space to be open, honest & vulnerable. Diana brought incredible positivity, direction, enthusiasm & passion to every minute. We left with more tools than anticipated – enough for the next decade of our lives! Makes this “fool-proof” if used consistently & properly. “

S.M. married 23 years, Dean of Students, Indiana
“Our issues were addressed perfectly and we were able to get resolution for things we have struggled with for years. We felt very supported through this process even though we had lived separate lives for so long. Our counselor really made this a wonderful experience for us. We poured our souls out to you and worked through a lot of ugliness, woundedness, hurt and shame. Thank you for your patience and grace! We left with a brand new marriage and a fresh start!”

Y.B., married 6 years, Management, North Carolina
“I’ve gotten more out of this experience than I ever thought possible and I was able to find the new me. I have also learned how to be married. We are a team now. We are not fighting each other anymore. And we are not fixing our marriage but starting a new one together! Diana was thorough without being forceful or overwhelming. We were not disappointed and we left hopeful!”

M.F. married 12 years, Dentist, Tennessee
“God used this Intensive to open our eyes as to how we have been hurting each other and equip us for the future. We dove into the problems of our marriage and developed a way to fix them. This has helped us more than the last 4 years of once-a-week counseling combined.
Both of us had divorce on our minds as the next step. Then I read about Intensive Marriage Counseling Retreats and for some reason we decided to give it one last chance before we filed.
The break-throughs we made were unbelievable. Feelings surfaced that we hadn’t felt for each other in years. We each had so many hurts that we caused each other–I thought it would take years to work through them.
Our experience has been truly life changing.”

K.F. married 12 years, SAHM, New Mexico
“I feel like we got so much more than we expected from our Intensive. Our counselor taught us how to heal from an affair and figure out the root of where our problems stem from and gave us tools and tips to get the kind of marriage we want. Our counselor was kind and compassionate yet an excellent leader and an exceptional listener. One of our biggest AHA moments was discovering that we both internalize problems instead of confronting each other. We had a lot of issues that needed to be aired out and our counselor helped us get resolution and develop an action plan for success. I would reccomend this to anyone who is struggling in their marriage.”

S.G. married 23 years, Counselor, Alabama
“I feel like our marriage was reset for success. Our counselor guided us through this process, forcing us to examine our marriage through a different lens. I truly felt all issues were addressed and handled with love and we got resolution! I look forward to implementing these tools into our marriage everyday and we have a plan for it. We absolutely felt we got a better than desired outcome from our Intensive. Do whatever you need to do to attend if your marriage is struggling. Worth every penny and every second!“

R.C. married 17 years, Business Owner, Illinois
“We were in a desperate place when we came. But by God’s grace and Diana’s willingness, we watched a miracle happen. We had NO hope, but we learned how and why we were hurting each other. I was very skeptical and yet I began to see an immediate difference on day 1. Our counselor did a great job with a difficult situation & walked us through a 10 year storm in our marriage. Where there was darkness, there is now light. I really just wish we would have done this sooner and not wasted so many years stuck.”

S.M. married 9 years, Ultrasound Tech, New Jersey
“There was no hope or desire for our marriage and I almost didn’t come. Our counselor addressed our individual concerns in a non-judgmental but productive way. There is now a desire to work and try again and I feel equipped to get different results. We have tools to address specific issues whenever they come up. What a crazy good experience!“

A.B. married 21 years, Financial Planner, Florida
“I was highly pessimistic about how this week would go. However, I wanted my marriage to succeed so I came in open and got everything I hoped for and beyond. Our counselor was excellent at helping me open up and express myself in a kind and loving way. What a difference in our marriage! Diana helped us address all of the difficulties we were having in our marriage. I had no idea how to truly love my wife and she had no idea how to show me respect before we came. The tools we recieved during our intensive are transformative. Our job is to use them! I cannot wait to get started rebuilding our marriage!“

J.W. married 7 years, Attorney, Connecticut
“Diana is a great counselor, she takes time to discover our individual personalities and comes up with solutions to help our specific situation. She knows how to neutralize the issues and get to the point without pointing fingers. This is a very different type of counseling than we have ever experienced in the past. I do feel we have been shown a new way of doing things and we are excited. If you are done wasting time in once a week counseling like we did, and want something effective, don’t hesitate! Reclaim Marriage Intensives is it.”

E.S. married 14 years, Grad Student, Oklahoma
“Our Intensive was more than I ever dreamed imaginable. We were at a point of calling our marriage quits. Our counselor addressed every issue we had and got to the root quickly & helped us to resolve them effectively. We never realized how much baggage we brought in from our past to our marriage. More importantly we didn’t realize how it was hurting ourselves and each other. Thank you for this incredibly healing time. Diana did an amazing job and I feel she was chosen for us by God. We learned how to be married and ask for God’s help, and we saw a miracle happen in our lives! I am happier today than I have been since the day of our marriage!”